Page 190 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 190


                               5       Securing the Appropriate
                                       Defense Budget and the

                                       Efficiency of Budget Operation

                                       for Steadfast Defense

                            To maintain a firm defense posture against diverse security threats and stably implement
                            defense reform, an adequate defense budget must be secured. In addition to securing
                            an adequate defense budget, the MND is promoting highly efficient management across
                            all areas of national defense to effectively utilize the budget.

                            1. Defense Budget Status

                            The national defense budget covers the costs of carrying out various projects related to
                            defense policies to produce public goods called national defense. The appropriate size of
                            a defense budget is generally determined by the ability of a nation to bear the financial

                            burden as well as the costs of building, operating, and maintaining military strength that
                            will counter security threats.
                             The proportion of the defense budget in the gross domestic product (GDP) and
                            government spending has been maintained with little change  over the past f ve years. In
                            2021, the defense budget accounted for 2.64  of the GDP and 9.47  of total government
                            spending. The defense budget trend over the past f ve years is shown in  Chart 5-10 .

                            [Chart 5-10] Trend of Defense Budget Over the Past Five Years (Original Budget)

                             Defense budget (KRW trillion)  Defense budget–to–total   Defense budget   Defense budget–to–GDP
                                                   government spending ratio (%)  increase rate (%)  ratio (%)
                                 10.07        10.06        9.94         9.79          9.47
                                                                           50.2         52.8
                                 40.3                         8.2
                                               7                         7.4

                                 2.2          2.27         2.43         2.62          2.64

                                 2017         2018         2019         2020         2021

               2020 Defense White Paper
   185   186   187   188   189   190   191   192   193   194   195