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securing an adequate level of defense budget is also required to seamlessly promote
                            Defense Reform 2.0, which seeks to further transform the military into an elite force
                            and acquire advanced weapons systems. Furthermore, in order to effectively respond
                            to the changing security environment where transnational and nonmilitary threats
                            including infectious diseases and terrorism are on the rise, it is necessary to secure
                            an appropriate level of budget for discretionary spending in addition to the budget for
                            f xed spending such as labor costs and meal expenses which account for a large part
                            of the defense budget.
                             It is important to maintain a national defense capacity that corresponds to the size
                            of the ROK economy in order to enable the people to live a peaceful and comfortable
                            life amid various security variables, and this can be achieved when supported by an
                            adequate defense budget.

                            3. Defense Budget and the Mid-Term Defense Plan

                            2021 Defense Budget    To ensure the right conditions for the implementation
                                                   of Defense Reform 2.0 aimed at building a powerful

                            defense capacity, the defense budget in 2021 was set at KRW 52.8 trillion,
                            representing a 5.4% increase from the previous year. Costs required to operate and
                            maintain troops and forces (force operation costs) totals KRW 35.8 trillion,
                            accounting for 67.8% of the defense budget. The force enhancement budget for
                            acquisition and development of weapons systems is set at KRW 17 trillion or 32.2%
                            of the defense budget. The size and allocation of the defense budget in 2021 based on
                            general accounting are shown in [Chart 5-12].

                            [Chart 5-12] Defense Budget in 2021 (General Account)
                                                                                   (Unit: KRW billion, %)
                                   Category      2020 Budget (A)  2021 Budget(B)  Changes (B-A)
                                Total Defense Budget  50,152.7  52,840.1     2,687.4     5.4
                                         Subtotal   33,472.3    35,843.7     2,371.4     7.1
                               Force   Operating Costs  19,860.0  20,587.2    7,272      3.7
                               Costs     Force
                                       Operation and   13,612.3  15,256.4    1,644.1    12.1
                              Force Enhancement Budget  16,680.4  16,996.4    3,160      1.9

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