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of COVID-19. The seminar was held by connecting domestic and foreign civilian
                            security experts through video conferencing and was broadcast live for the officials
                            in the security domain including national defense officials from around the world.
                            Under the theme "Emerging Security Challenges: Overcoming through Solidarity
                            and Cooperation", the participating countries, together with renowned security
                            experts, discussed in depth the world order and international cooperation measures
                            in the post-COVID era and the implications of non-traditional security threats to
                            national defense.
                             The ROK government actively shared the achievements of K-quarantine and
                            formed a consensus on the importance of the ROK government’s efforts to establish
                            peace on the Korean Peninsula with the international community. Despite the
                            limitations brought about by the pandemic, during this year’s SDD, the participating
                            countries not only maintained the dialogue’s driving force as an annual multilateral
                            security consultative meeting but also contributed to continuing talks and
                            communication in the field of defense.

                            ROK–ASEAN Special Summit        The 3rd ROK–ASEAN special summit in
                                                            2019 commemorated the 30th anniversary
                            of the ROK–ASEAN dialogue relations, looking at the achievements of cooperation
                            for the past 30 years and presenting a vision for future cooperation for the next 30
                            years. In the field of defense and defense industry, the MND operated a task force to
                            support the successful hosting of the special summit. First, the MND actively
                            promoted the ROK–ASEAN special summit at international multilateral meetings

                            including the ADMM-Plus and policy briefing sessions for the defense attachés
                            group  in the ROK. In addition, the MND supported the export of defense articles by
                            holding an export conference with the coast guards from 10 ASEAN countries and
                            by promoting the excellence of the ROK’s weapons system to ASEAN leaders who
                            visited military units operating these weapons systems and defense companies.
                             Through these efforts, the 2019 ROK–ASEAN special summit contributed in
                            achieving the diversification of diplomacy through the expansion of cooperation
                            related to NSP and the reinforcement of ASEAN’s support for the peace process on
                            the Korean Peninsula.

                            ROK–ASEAN Defense Vice-     The ROK–ASEAN defense vice-ministerial
                            Ministerial Talks           talks, first held during the 2017 SDD, has been
                                                        held every year until 2019. At the first iteration
                            in 2017, the two parties shared the recognition on the need for defense cooperation

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