Page 233 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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[Chart 6-3]  Multilateral Security Consultative Meetings Participated in by the MND

                   Track 1 25)   Multilateral Security Meeting  Track 1.5 26)   Multilateral Security Meeting
                •  ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting-Plus  • Seoul Defense Dialogue (SDD)
                  (ADMM-Plus)                    • Asia Security Summit (ASS)
                • ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)     • Halifax International Security Forum (HISF)
                • Tokyo Defense Forum (TDF)      • Northeast Asia Cooperation Dialogue (NEACD)
                                                 • Fullerton Forum

               Seoul Defense Dialogue (SDD)    The MND has been hosting the SDD–a
                                               multilateral security dialogue joined by
               defense vice-ministerial-level officials and civilian security experts from all over the
               world–annually since 2012 to contribute to multilateral security cooperation in the
               Asia-Pacific region and the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula. The
               SDD contributes to building trust in the defense domain and promoting multilateral
               cooperation by providing a venue for dialogue and discussions on common
               international interests as well as the security situation on the Korean Peninsula and
               in the Asia-Pacific region. In addition, the MND holds various bilateral and small-
               scale multilateral conferences with the participating countries at the SDD and seeks    Chapter 6
               ways to promote mutual defense exchanges and cooperation. In recent years,
               delegations from major countries around the world–including the Asia-Pacific,
               Americas, Europe, Middle East, and Africa–have attended, reinforcing the
               dialogue’s status as a major high-level multilateral security meeting in the region.
                 The 8th SDD in 2019, the largest in scale since its inception with 53 countries and 2
               international organizations participating, was held under the theme "Building Peace

               Together: Challenges and Visions". At the dialogue, the ROK explained its efforts to
               ease military tensions since the signing of the CMA, and formed a consensus among   2020 Seoul Defense
               the participating countries on the permanent settlement of peace on the Korean
               Peninsula. In addition, the ROK has sought ways to promote cooperation in defense   25)
                                                                                     Multilateral security
               and the defense industry by holding                                   meetings held between
                                                                                     governments to promote
               mini-multilateral meetings, including                                 regional and world peace
               the defense vice-ministerial talks with                               and stability, and to discuss
                                                                                     participating countries’
               Visegrad Group, ASEAN, and Central                                    common security interests
               Asia, and bilateral talks with 25                                     26)
                                                                                     Multilateral security
               participating countries including India,                              meetings engaging
                                                                                     participating nations’
               Canada, Singapore, and France.                                        governments, civilian
                                                                                     groups, and academics
                 The 9th SDD in 2020 was held in the                                 to promote regional and
                                                                                     world peace and stability,
               form of a special seminar, i.e., video                                and to discuss participating
                                                 2020 Seoul Defense Dialogue video seminar   countries’ common
               debate, considering the global spread   (September 2020)              security interests

                   Chapter 6.  Developing a Robust ROK–US Alliance that is Mutually Complementary and Promoting Defense Exchanges and Cooperation    231
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