Page 230 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 230

The ROK and Chile signed a ROK-
                            Chile Defense Cooperation Agreement
                            during the Chilean President’s visit
                            to the ROK in April 2019, laying the
                            foundation to  promote cooperation
                            in defense and the defense industry
                            between the two countries. In May
                            2019, a joint government defense   Signing ceremony for the ROK–Chile defense
                                                              cooperation agreement (April 2019)
                            industry cooperation delegation for
                            Central and South America visited Colombia and Peru to create an opportunity to
                            assess each country’s defense industry status and the possibility for cooperation
                            in the defense industry with the ROK. In October 2019, the ROK Vice Minister of
                            National Defense held bilateral talks during the Paraguayan Vice Defense Minister’s
                            visit to the ROK and discussed the security situation on the Korean Peninsula and
                            ways to strengthen cooperation in defense and the defense industry between the two
                            countries. In October, the Chilean ship Esmeralda arrived at the Busan naval port for
                            cruise training during which the ROK and Chile built a close cooperative relationship.
                            The MND plans to actively promote cooperation in the defense industry with key
                            countries in Central and South America while maintaining friendly relations with
                            these nations by promoting regular high-ranking military personnel exchanges.

                            Africa     As Africa is gaining strategic importance as a new source of key
                                       resource and a new economic cooperation partner, the MND is

                            invigorating defense exchanges and cooperation in various fields including high-
                            level military exchanges, exchanges between each military service, and defense
                            industry cooperation with the aim of shaping the conditions for defense industry
                            exports and expan-ding national defense diplomacy.
                             The ROK Minister of National
                            Defense signed an MOU on defense
                            cooperation with Senegal during the
                            Senegalese Defense Minister’s visit
                            to the ROK in October 2019, laying
                            the institutional basis for bilateral
                            cooperation in defense and the defense
                            industry. The ROK Vice Minister of
                            National Defense held bilateral talks
                                                              Signing of the MOU on ROK–Senegal Defense
                            with the Vice Defense Minister of   Cooperation (October 2019)

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