Page 227 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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Korean War veterans to express gratitude for the dedication of Belgian veterans
               and to reaffirm the traditional friendly relationship formed based on Belgium’s
               participation in the Korean War.
                 At the ROK–UK Defense Ministers’ Meeting organized by the ROK Minister
               of National Defense in June 2019, the Defense Ministers of the ROK and the UK
               discussed ways to cooperate on realizing denuclearization and establishing a
               permanent peace regime on the Korean Peninsula. Meanwhile, the ROK Vice
               Minister of National Defense held talks with the UK Director-General of International
               Security in May 2019 and discussed current issues on defense and defense industry
               cooperation between the two countries and directions for future cooperation.
                 With France, the ROK is promoting a joint roadmap for strengthening cooperation
               in the defense and security areas between the ROK and France as part of a follow-
               up measure after President Moon’s visit to France in October 2018. In May 2019, a
               telephone conference was held between the ROK Minister of National Defense and
               the French Minister of the Armed Forces on the occasion of the French military’s
               rescue of Korean civilians during counter-terrorism activities, and during the
               telephone conference, the two ministers discussed in depth ways to detail the           Chapter 6
               cooperation issues agreed upon during the ROK–France Summit in October 2018. In
               June 2019, the two ministers attended a ceremony in Paris to deliver French soldiers’
               identification tags which were excavated during remains recovery activities at
               Arrowhead Hill inside the Demilitarized Zone (DMZ).
                 The MND has been improving exchanges with Central European countries–
               which are regarded as a new growth engine in Europe–and deriving measures for

               cooperation in defense and the defense industry through high-level exchanges such
               as the defense vice-ministerial talks between the ROK and the Visegrád Group
               since 2016. The 4th vice-ministerial talks was held in Seoul in September 2019
               to exchange opinions on the regional security situation and discuss measures to
               enhance national cooperation in
               defense and the defense industry.
               Ministerial talks with Hungary and
               bilateral talks with the Czech Republic,
               Vice-Ministerial talks with Slovakia
               were also held to shape cooperation                                   A regional partnership
                                                                                     of Central Europe that
               plans for each country.                                               consists of the Czech
                                                                                     Republic, Poland, Hungary,
                 In November 2019, the ROK Minister                                  and Slovakia. The name is
                                                                                     derived from the Hungarian
               of National Defense held talks with the                               town of Visegrád, where
                                                 Signing of the MOU on ROK–Hungary Defense   their first meeting took
               Hungarian Minister of Defense who   Cooperation (November 2019)       place in 1991.

                   Chapter 6.  Developing a Robust ROK–US Alliance that is Mutually Complementary and Promoting Defense Exchanges and Cooperation    225
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