Page 182 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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and the participation of external experts were further extended.
In addition, a registration system, which was previously applied to munitions sales
agencies , will be applied to all defense acquisition program brokers so that all
companies that help in bidding and fulfilling contracts for defense projects will be
operated under legal and institutional management. Accordingly, an institutional
mechanism will be devised to impose fines and penalties on brokers who operate
without undergoing the registration process and to discipline public officials who
make unauthorized contact with the brokers. To crack down on corruption in defense
acquisition programs, considering the characteristics of defense programs, penalty
systems and sanctions are being reinforced such as: (a) extending the scope of the
An agency or a group "punitive surcharge" imposed on companies involved in corruption and irregularity;
that intermediate or act
for a foreign enterprise (b) introducing the "One-Strike Out System" that cancels the registration and
throughout the course of
concluding a contract and permanently prohibits registration if a company commits an irregularity once; and (c)
executing the contract by
and between the foreign applying an aggravated punishment of 1.5 times the punishment standard defined by
enterprise and the Minister
of DAPA. the criminal code for public officials involved in corruption.
All organizations and
groups that act as trade
agents, brokers, or Cultivating an Environment for The MND and the DAPA are fostering an
consultants to assist a
company in the processes the Active Pursuit of Defense environment where workers in the defense
of bidding, contract
signing, and execution of a Acquisition Programs industry can conduct business fairly in
defense acquisition project.
adherence to their own principles and in
A system that waives the active manner. A "diligent performance recognition program" was introduced to
sanctions imposed on
companies for so-called provide additional opportunities for trials and errors made during the R&D phase.
"sincere failures" that fail to
achieve outcomes due to The MND and the DAPA are also promoting an "exemption program for proactive
reasons such as technical 25)
limitations despite the fact administration" that ensures that public officials are not held responsible for the
that the officials worked outcomes of the projects that they have carried out properly in accordance with
sincerely on conducting
R&D activities laws and regulations without corruptive or irregular practices. To minimize the
25) disadvantages that individuals may experience, the MND has bolstered the internal
A program that relieves
public officials of legal support system for those who have inevitably faced investigations, audits, or
responsibility or reduces
their liability for negative other kinds of investigations while executing programs.
results when they have
sincerely and voluntarily A series of such working environment improvements will contribute to the
performed their duties for
the public interest, unless acquisition of superior weapons by boosting the pride of workers in the defense
there was any intentional
act or gross negligence industry and strengthening the sense of responsibility.
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