Page 183 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 183

2. Improving the Efficiency of the Defense Acquisition System

               Improving the Weapons System Acquisition  The MND and the DAPA are
               Procedures Based on Speed and Efficiency  improving the defense acqui-
                                                         sition procedure to respond to
               the rapidly changing security environment in a flexible manner and promptly apply
               the Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies to weapons systems.
                 The MND and the DAPA have been pursuing the "rapid pilot acquisition program"
               since 2020. Under this program, the ROK Armed Forces purchases in minimum
               quantity a weapon system that incorporates leading civilian technologies, pilot the
               weapon system in the field, and if determined appropriate, promptly field the weapon
               system. The MND and the DAPA are exerting continuous efforts to improve the
               related laws and regulations to stabilize this program, and are also pursuing the
               introduction of a "rapid prototype development (provisional title)" system which        Chapter 5
               incorporates the elements of R&D and upgrades. Furthermore, a "rapid acquisition
               system (provisional title)" will be developed by institutionalizing various acquisition
               models so that the relevant programs can be applied according to the characteristics
               of each weapons system.
                 In order to field weapons systems in a timely manner, the MND and the DAPA
               are planning to simplify the weapons system acquisition procedures by eliminating
               unnecessary administrative procedures during prerequisite procedures such as
               requirements verification, project feasibility study, and defense project inspector
               verification considering the characteristics of the programs, and integrating

               duplicate tasks.

               Establishing a Rational and Efficient   As the defense acquisition environ-
               System for Decision-Making and      ment is becoming more complex and
               Collaborations                      advanced, the number of defense force

                                                   enhancement projects is increasing.
               Hence, the necessity for the establishment of a more rational and efficient system for
               decision-making and collaborations is also growing.
                 The MND and the DAPA launched the Defense Acquisition Program Council
               in April 2019 with an aim of promptly resolving increasing number of defense
               program issues and improving policies and systems in a reasonable manner through
               transparent communication and collaboration.
                 The Defense Acquisition Program Council is co-chaired by the Vice Minister
               of National Defense and the DAPA Minister, and is achieving tangible results in

                                         Chapter 5.  Establishing a Fair, Transparent, and Efficient National Defense Operation System    181
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