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actively resolving thorny issues. Furthermore, by establishing a defense acquisition
                            information system, the MND and the DAPA plan to enhance the foundation for
                            conducting collaborations that enables the management and sharing of information
                            at all stages of acquisition of weapons systems.
                             The DAPA introduced a "program for public officials in technical service" to
                            enhance the expertise of public officials in defense programs and reorganized
                            the existing project/contract management headquarters into Current Capabilities
                            Program Agency and Advanced Capabilities Program Agency considering the
                            characteristics of each weapons system. The efficiency and responsibility of
                            conducting program management were further improved by establishing a practical
                            integrated project management system. Under the system the director of the program
                            will carry out both program and contracts at the same time. With the simplification
                            of the work procedure and transferring of the work related to general goods to the
                            Public Procurement Service through the integration of programs and contracts, the
                            capabilities of the DAPA are expected to be further improved, enabling the DAPA to
                            focus on defense force improvement projects.

                            Enhancing the Expertise of   To enhance the expertise of public officials in
                            Public Officials in Defense   defense project-related institutions, the MND
                            Acquisition Programs        and the DAPA are seeking ways to resolve
                                                        problems encountered by public officials during
                            their frequent job rotations, and to improve field sense and expertise of
                            servicemembers . To this end, in 2019, the positions of professional public officials

                            were included in the program management field of the DAPA and the positions of
                            professional servicemembers were designated in the MND, the JCS, each service,
                            and the DAPA to enhance the job rotation between acquisition specialists and force
                            specialists of each service. Such measures have also laid the foundation for
                            improving defense project capabilities. The MND and the DAPA plan to establish a
                            training institution specializing in defense acquisition and strengthen the
                            professionalism of the acquisition workforce by integrating the defense acquisition
                            education system–which is currently divided into the KDNU and the DAPA–and
                            establishing a systematic education system from the perspective of the total life cycle
                            of weapons systems.

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