Page 167 - 2020 Defence White Paper
P. 167


                  3        Ensuring a Fair and Transparent
                           National Defense for the

                           Enhancement of the Benefit of

                           the People

               The MND is advancing its military service system to foster an environment for a fair
               imposition of military duty, and to enhance fairness and aggressiveness in carrying
               out military service. In addition, the MND endeavors to eliminate inconveniences and
               promote national convenience according to transparent procedures to the extent
               that they do not interfere with operations. Accordingly, the MND is relocating military
               air bases, building military installations for shared growth with the local communities,
               reforming national defense regulations, and carrying out eco-friendly projects.         Chapter 5

               1.  Ensuring Fair Enforcement of Military Service Obligation and
                 Improving the Military Service Administration

               Separate Management of Military      After introducing a separate mana-
               Service Compliance by Public Figures  gement system for military service
                                                    of Grade 4 or higher public officials
               and their children, athletes, pop culture artists, and high income earners and their

               children, the ROK government has monitored their military service process in real
               time. With the help of the system, the ROK government detected suspects of
               deliberate weight gain and identified unfair cases where some pop culture artists and
               athletes delayed their military service by abusing the system. The ROK government

               [Chart 5-4] Cases of Improvements in Unfair System
                   Category            Before                    After

                Short-term overseas   •  Within the scope of a year at a   •  Within the scope of 6 months at a time, total
                 travel permit system  time, total of 3 years   of 2 years (maximum of 5 times)

                               •  Postponement without age   •  Restrictions on postponement for people
                                restriction when taking an   aged 28 years or older when taking an
                                examination, such as private   examination, such as private qualification
                                qualification examination  examination
                 Conscription date
                postponement system

                               •  Postponement until the end of May   •  Restrictions on postponement for people
                                of the year following graduation   aged 28 years and above when scheduled
                                without age restrictions when
                                enrolling at graduate school  to enroll at graduate school

                                         Chapter 5.  Establishing a Fair, Transparent, and Efficient National Defense Operation System    165
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