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ture, enhancing national prestige, and effectively utilizing military service surplus–
               was raised based on factors such as the sharp reduction in military manpower
               resources due to the decrease in fertility rate, the weakening of the initial purpose to
               changes in national status, and issues related to fairness vis-à-vis active duty
               servicemembers. Accordingly, the ROK government formed a consultative body
               between the MND and related ministries in December 2018 and deliberated on and
               confirmed the "Measures for improving the alternative service program" during a
               government affairs review and coordination meeting in November 2019.
                 Based on the Measures, the ROK government has selected four promotion tasks
               and detailed tasks as shown in [Chart 5-5], and has implemented these tasks smoothly
               through system improvements and revision of laws and regulations since 2020.

               [Chart 5-5] Major Measures for Improving the Alternative Service Program

                      Promotion tasks                     Details                                      Chapter 5
                                         • Reducing the number of people assigned to alternative service
                1  Acquiring military resources
                                         • Improving the fairness in terms of service intensity
                                         •  Supporting national strategic industries for alternative service

                   Strategic use of national human
                2                         personnel
                                         • Establishing utilization plans for each competent ministry
                                         •  Designating departments in charge of service management,
                   Strengthening service
                3                         organizing manpower
                                         • Reinforcing punishment for insolvent workers, etc.
                   Guarantee of human rights and   •  Payment of remuneration during basic military training,
                4  other rights of alternative service   establishing an integrated reporting center
                   personnel             • Preventing unfair treatment by an employer, etc.
               Support for Physically and          Customized services are offered to
                Economically Vulnerable in Fulfilling   encourage those who are physically
               Their Military Service Obligation   or economically vulnerable to parti-

                                                   cipate in fulfilling their military
               service obligation. When an economically vulnerable person liable for military
               service needs additional checkup from a private hospital during a physical
               examination for military service, the MND is providing support to help fulfill their
               obligation by supporting free consignment checkup and giving additional points or
               priorities when recruiting them as enlisted or industrial workers, thus helping the
               said target group of people to be able to diligently fulfill their service. Through such
               benefits, the MND aided a total of 1,894 economically vulnerable persons liable for
               military service in 2019. Since 2020, benefits are also being provided to the
               physically vulnerable by allowing those with malignant blood diseases such as
               leukemia to get a curtailment in their military service period through document
               screening only without undergoing any physical examination.

                                         Chapter 5.  Establishing a Fair, Transparent, and Efficient National Defense Operation System    167
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