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the public directly participates and performs in policy monitoring. Some of the
anti-corruption programs include the "Integrity Ombudsman" program, where
civilian experts, according to their independent positions, perform functions
such as receiving reports, carrying out audits, and recommending correctives
against corruption in the military, and the "Civil-Public Council for Corruption-
Free National Defense," where defense agencies and people from all walks of life
including civic groups cooperate to discuss military anti-corruption policies.
In addition, the MND has carried out various activities such as regular integrity
education for the entire military and a "Defense Integrity Essay" contest to raise the
servicemembers’ awareness of integrity as one of the core values of public officials.
To induce public officials to internalize their own integrity, a whistleblower policy
was also activated under an anonymous reporting system which lifted concerns on
personal information leakage.
Through such efforts, the level of integrity of the MND has improved every year in
the integrity assessment of public organizations conducted by the Anti-Corruption &
Civil Rights Commission. Furthermore, the MND plans to promote more effective
anti-corruption and integrity measures to meet the peoples expectations consistently.
In order to encourage and protect whistleblowers, the MND is planning to update
the disposition criteria for those who interfere with the whistleblower policy or
violate the duty to protect whistleblowers. The MND is also taking part in the active
promotion of compensation measures for whistleblowers who have contributed to
the development of defense. Furthermore, the MND will implement transparent,
clean, open defense operations by systematically expanding public surveillance and
participation in defense operations as a whole, such as by operating the "Integrity
Ombudsman" program and the "Civil-Public Council for Corruption-Free National
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