Page 163 - 2020 Defence White Paper
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including posting comments on political issues at any time, there are growing
               concerns over the possibility of their comments violating political neutrality.
               Therefore, it is necessary to raise the awareness of servicemembers to comply with
               political neutrality, now more than ever.
                 To keep pace with such changes in the barracks environment, the MND is striving
               to raise the awareness of servicemembers by presenting clear and specific codes of
               conduct and conducting regular education on these codes.
                 First, education materials were provided to servicemembers to help them
               understand the laws and the guidelines in an easier way by suggesting examples
               for each case. To maintain political neutrality in the existing guidelines on the use
               of mobile phones in the military, the MND added essential rules to be observed by
               servicemembers when using social media, and made additional efforts to prevent
               online violation of political during the by-elections and the 21st legislative elections
               which took place after the use of mobile phones were allowed.                           Chapter 5
                 Throughout the year, the MND is also raising the awareness of servicemembers
               by offering education and giving emphasis on observation of political neutrality.
               Education is conducted in consideration of the forgetting curve and the cycle of troop
               rotation, and servicemembers are being supervised to practice the guidelines on
               the use of mobile phones on a daily basis to recognize and implement the values of
               observing political neutrality.

               3. Open Management of National Defense                                4)
                                                                                     Launched in 2015, the
                                                                                     group aims to discover
               Promoting Active Policy   To gain public trust, the MND is actively promoting   ideas for promoting
                                                                                     defense policies and to
               PR Activities             its key policies, including Defense Reform 2.0,   utilize the talents of experts
                                                                                     in various fields such as
                                         through various channels such as the press, digital   smart and innovation,
                                                                                     culture, medical care,
               media, and on-site communication. In addition, to communicate directly with the   media, and PR (27
                                                                                     members in 2019 → 31
               public to gain their understanding and consensus on national defense policies, the   members in 2020).
               MND continues to carry out PR activities focused on public participation through   5)
               the "Communication Experts Group"  composed of experts in various fields such as   An online press corps
                                                                                     composed of college
               smart and innovation, media and culture, and medical care and "Online Supporters   students and general
                                                                                     public interested in the
               (M-Friends)"  composed of college students.                           national defense policies.
                                                                                     Centering on public
                 As the first step of reaching a consensus among the public, the MND is producing   communication, the
                                                                                     organization was launched
               online and mobile promotional contents considering the increasing influence of   in 2016 to promote online
                                                                                     PR activities on national
               these platforms. In 2020, in line with the increase in the dissemination speed of   key policies (45 members
                                                                                     in 2019 → 50 members in
               information via YouTube, the MND produced a new video titled "Real Military   2020).

                                         Chapter 5.  Establishing a Fair, Transparent, and Efficient National Defense Operation System    161
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