Page 63 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 63

|  Developing a Crisis Management System  |    To ef fectively respond to various threats of

               provocations from North Korea, the ROK Armed Forces is f irmly establishing the ROK forces–
               led crisis management system and the ROK–U.S. bilateral crisis management system. The crisis
               management manuals for the security f ield were enhanced based on the 2018 edition of the

               “National Crisis Management Fundamental Guidelines.” The ROK Armed Forces maintains an
               around-the-clock crisis management posture by regularly holding crisis management exercises
               to improve its mission execution capabilities and monitoring the level of crisis management at

               each unit.

                                                                                                         Chapter 3
               |  Establishing a Readiness Posture against Land, Sea, and Airspace Infiltration and

               Provocations in Border Areas  |    For a long time since the Armistice Agreement was concluded
               in 1953, North Korea has carried out provocations in border areas on land, at sea, and in the air
               of border areas in violation of the Armistice Agreement and the inter-Korean nonaggression
               agreement. The ROK Armed Forces maintains a robust military readiness posture including a

               close coordination between the ROK and the United States to deter provocations from North
               Korea as well as strongly and sternly retaliate in the event of a provocation.

                 The GOP scientif ic security systems in border areas were fully established in 2016 and were
               enhanced to an optimal shape, upgrading the quality of the ROK Armed Forces’ security posture.
               Its readiness posture has been strengthened with proactive DMZ operations. 12)  To bolster
               response capabilities against North Korean f ire provocations, shelters and other protective

               facilities have been reinforced, and additional multiple-launch rockets have been f ielded.
                 In spite of agreeing to the issues related to the Northern Limit Line (NLL) through the
               Agreement on Reconciliation, Nonaggression and Exchanges and Cooperation (1991), and the

               Protocol on the Implementation and Observance of Chapter 2, Nonaggression (1992), North
               Korea has continued to violate NLL and carry out armed provocations to nullify NLL. The two
               Koreas are currently halting hostilities against each other and designating a pilot joint f ishing

               zone stage by stage to turn the areas around NLL in the West Sea into a maritime peace zone
               as agreed upon in the Panmunjom Declaration (April 27). The designation of the maritime

               12)  Include irregular search and reconnaissance activities as well as a tougher management of the barbed wire
                   fence of the Southern Limit Line

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