Page 62 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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from the Army, Navy and Marine Corps, and Air Force. The augmentation forces are deployed

           incrementally depending on how the crisis develops. It is done in two dif ferent modes—Flexible
           Deterrence Option (FDO) 10)  and Time Phased Force Deployment Data (TPFDD) 11) — pursuant
           to Article 2 of the Mutual Defense Treaty between the ROK and the United States. When a

           crisis builds up on the Korean Peninsula, FDO that aims to deter war and mitigate the crisis is
           executed to deploy the designated forces. If an actual war begins, combat and support units will
           be reinforced in accordance with TPFDD to ensure the execution of the ROK–U.S. combined

           operation plans.
             The ROK Armed Forces will closely consult with the United States on developing augmentation
           forces deployment plans to make sure, for the defense of the Korean Peninsula, that the total

           combat power of the ROK and the United States does not weaken.

           2. Maintaining a Readiness Posture against Local Provocations

           |  Establishing a Surveillance and Early Warning Posture  |    The ROK Armed Forces

           always maintains a watch condition for the early detection and warning of signs of North
           Korean provocations. To do so, the ROK Armed Forces operates the ROK–U.S. combined
           intelligence assets in an integrated manner through bilateral cooperation based on the alliance
           defense system. Intelligence gathered from the ROK–U.S. combined information assets and

           from domestic and international agencies gets consolidated and analyzed and then shared with
           operational units for timely utilization.
             Moreover, to detect the earliest signs of North Korean provocations, the ROK Armed Forces

           plans to continuously expand its independent surveillance capabilities by acquiring medium-
           to high-altitude reconnaissance UAVs, multipurpose satellites, and military reconnaissance

           10)  A series of political, economic, diplomatic, and military options that are part of the CFC Crisis Action Standard
               Operating Procedures and that have to be promptly executed to deter war
           11)  Force deployment list and data of the U.S. augmentation forces for the execution of the ROK–U.S. combined
               operational plans

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