Page 58 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 58

Ground Operations Command integrates all operation elements within an operation area

           and conducts various ground operations. The mission of Second Operations Command
           is to maintain the stability of joint rear areas and war sustainment capabilities via civilian–
           government–military operations. Capital Defense Command protects the key facilities and

           urban infrastructure of Seoul to help the city maintain its functions as the capital. Special
           Warfare Command is responsible for special operations in wartime and for helping sustain peace
           in peacetime, while Army Aviation Operations Command is in charge of aviation operations.

           Mobilization Force Command makes sure that the peacetime combat readiness posture of
           mobilization divisions and the mobilization support groups are complete so that in the event of
           a war, it can provide the corps with mobilization divisions and supplement battalions capable

           of exerting combat power equal to that of standing troops. Other commands are responsible for
           personnel and logistics support as well as education and training.
             While most ef fectively utilizing the existing forces, the Army is restructuring its units to carry out
           rapid decisive operations and thereby realize the concepts of future joint operations. To achieve

           this objective, the Army is also continuously reinforcing its surveillance and reconnaissance
           capabilities, including the dronebot combat system 2)  that utilizes reconnaissance, attack, and

           electronic warfare drones, as well as its maneuver and strike capabilities, such as K2 battle tanks,
           multiple launch rocket systems, 3)  and Korea Utility Helicopters.

           |  Navy  |    The Navy, organized under the Navy Headquarters, is composed of Commander

           Republic of Korea Fleet (COMROKFLT), Marine Corps Headquarters, Northwest Islands
           Defense Command, and support units. The key organizations and assets of the Navy are shown
           in [Chart 3-3].

           2)  Dronebot is a compound word consisting of drone and robot. It is a
              manned and unmanned combat system to supplement or replace the
              capability of a manned combat system.
           3)  It is a weapon capable of delivering massive and concentrated firepower
              at once. It is a launch system in which multiple rockets are mounted in   Army   Army dronebot
                                                                              promotional   battle group
              rectangular or cylindrical launchers.                              video  established

           56    Chapter 3  Establishing a Robust Defense Posture against Omnidirectional Security Threats
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