Page 64 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 64

peace zone in the West Sea will be carried out based on the recognition and respect for NLL in

           conjunction with the setting of the joint f ishing zone to ensure safe f ishing activities and mutual
           gains by the people of both Koreas. NLL is the practical maritime boundary line that the ROK
           Armed Forces has f irmly defended through the years. The ROK Armed Forces will continue

           to firmly adhere to the principle of observing NLL and will sternly respond to any type of
           provocations against this demarcation line (NLL).
             To prepare for North Korean provocations toward the northwest islands, the ROK Armed

           Forces maintains its readiness posture through the continuous reinforcement of its surveillance,
           reconnaissance, and strike forces including UAVs, maritime operation helicopters, and short-
           range surface-to-surface guided weapons.

             The ROK Armed Forces maintains a full readiness posture to firmly defend the ROK’s entire
           territorial land, waters, and airspace in the East Sea, West Sea, and South Sea, including the
           five northwest islands, as well as Marado Island, Ulleung-do Island, and Dokdo Island. Its
           resolute commitment and readiness posture to defend Dokdo—the ROK’s territory historically

           and geographically, and according to international laws as well—remain particularly strong.
             The ROK Armed Forces is maintaining its air surveillance and immediate response posture

           across the Korean Peninsula while reinforcing the air defense execution system, including
           detection, identif ication, tracking, and strike procedures, in preparation against inf iltrations of
           North Korean small UAVs.
             To effectively respond to the changing operational environment, the ROK Armed Forces will

           optimize its surveillance, decision-making, and strike systems on land, at sea, and in the airspace
           of border areas, and continuously bolster its core f ighting capabilities.

           |  Maintaining a Readiness Posture against Other Types of Provocations  |    The ROK
           Armed Forces has been enhancing the integrated defense system involving relevant government
           organizations in preparation for potential terrorist and cyberattacks against critical national

           infrastructure in the capital area and rear areas. To complete the posture for executing integrated

           Dokdo promotional video
           (Dokdo, beautiful island of Korea)

           62    Chapter 3  Establishing a Robust Defense Posture against Omnidirectional Security Threats
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