Page 174 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 174

Section 1       Development of Mutually

                           Reinforcing ROK–U.S. Alliance

           The ROK and the United States have maintained a robust combined defense posture throughout the entire
           process of implementing measures to ease tension and build confidence between the two Koreas. While
           preserving and strengthening their long-standing trust and solidarity during the process, the ROK and the
           United States have also effectively responded to all security threats and managed a variety of alliance issues in
           a mutually beneficial manner. The ROK and the United States will effectively counter common security threats
           by utilizing their strategic assets and military capabilities in a way that they complement each other. To further
           develop the ROK–U.S. Alliance in a mutually reinforcing and forward-looking manner, the two countries will
           continue to enhance their cooperative relationship as allies.

           1. Continued Development of the ROK–U.S. Alliance as a
             Comprehensive Strategic Alliance

             For the last 65 years, the ROK–U.S. Alliance has not only defended the ROK from external
           threats but also contributed to the country’s political and economic development.

             At the ROK–U.S. Summit in June 2017, the leaders of the two countries reaff irmed their solid
           partnership built on mutual trust and shared values of freedom, democracy, human rights, and
           lawful order. The two sides agreed to continue advancing a comprehensive strategic alliance.

             Based on this agreement, the defense authorities of the ROK and the U.S. examine and
           coordinate policies on all relevant security issues, resolve major agenda of the Alliance, and
           discuss ways to further develop the Alliance through various high level–security consultative

           bodies including the Security Consultative Meeting (SCM), 1)  the ROK–U.S. Military Committee

           1)  The highest level of the ROK–U.S. bilateral security consultative body participated in by the ROK Minister of
              National Defense, the U.S. Secretary of defense, and senior (key) defense and foreign affairs officials

           172    Chapter 5  Development of the ROK–U.S. Alliance, and Expansion of Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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