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of national defense. The MND will continue to implement defense f i nancial reforms to make

               the most of the limited defense budget.

               |  Operation of the Military Executive Agency System   |     To enhance expertise and

               management eff iciency in carrying out defense-related duties, the MND has designated and
               operated organizations, whose responsibilities are businesslike and execution-focused, as
               military executive agencies.

                 In the Military Executive Agency System, agency heads are hired through open recruitment
               procedures within and without the military;  are given autonomy in organization, personnel
               af fairs, and finance; and are held responsible for the management of their agencies. Pilot

               operation of several military executive agencies began in 2009, and the number has continuously
               grown. As of 2018, 16 organizations in the areas of maintenance, supply, and medical care;
                                                                                                         Chapter 4
               printing; and information services operated as military executive agencies. The status of military
               executive agencies is shown in [Table 4-18].

               [ Chart 4-18 ]  Military Executive Agency (16 Agencies)

                              Under the Control
                 Total                             Army (2)         Navy (5)        Air Force (3)
                        16       of MND (6)
                              Korea Armed Forces
                              Printing & Publishing
                 2009    3         Depot                         Naval Supply Depot
                                Armed Forces
                               Capital Hospital

                                                                                   83  Information &
                             Armed Forces Daejeon                Naval Repair Depot
                 2011    3                                                         Communication
                                  Hospital                            One
                                                                                  Maintenance Depot
                               The Armed Forces
                                                                 Naval Repair Depot   82  Aero Maintenance
                 2012    3     Medical Research
                                                                      Two              Depot
                                                Army Consolidated   Naval Repair Depot  Air Force Consolidated
                 2013    3
                                               Maintenance Depot      Three         Supply Depot
                                 Korea Joint
                              Interoperability Test
                 2014    3                                        Naval Shipyard
                                Center Defense
                             Integrated Data Center
                                                Army Consolidated
                 2017    1
                                                 Supply Depot

                Section 6  Securing an Adequate Defense Budget and Enhancing the Efficiency of Defense Budget Management     167
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