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the construction of about 480 igloo magazines by 2023. To foster elite servicemembers through

               scientif  ic education and training, 42 sets of new platoon-level MILES will be acquired, and
               9 corps- and division-level scientif  ic training centers will be set up by 2023. Servicemembers’
               spiritual combat power will be bolstered, and the training and supplementary education system

               that reflects jointness and field operation requirements will also be developed.
                 Second, KRW 3.4 trillion is allocated to the program of assigning active-duty servicemembers
               mainly to combat missions and expanding the hiring of civilian personnel in noncombat f ields,

               such as logistics, administration, and education, under the objective of developing an ef fective
               workforce structure for the exercise of combat power in conjunction with the reduction in
               standing troops and the shortening of the service period. In consideration of workforce supply

               issues, including the shortening of the service period, the MND also plans to transform the
               of f icer and NCO rank structure from the current pyramid-shaped structure to a pot-shaped
               structure, where a smaller number of off icers are acquired and, instead, utilized for a longer
               period. It plans to invest KRW 798.2 billion in developing an elite reserve force. To provide   Chapter 4

               realistic reserve force training, 208 reserve force training sites will be reorganized into 40 reserve
               force training units capable of scientific training, and mobilization divisions will be reinforced.

               To properly compensate reservists who temporarily leave their jobs to participate in reserve
               force training, reserve force training allowances will be readjusted to a realistic level under the
               objective of raising them to 50% of the 2017 minimum wage by 2022. The MND plans to
               resolve the issue of shortage of reservist off  icers and NCOs, and establish the roles of reservist

               of f  icers and NCOs in wartime by adopting the peacetime service program for reservists.
                 Third, the MND will establish a transparent and eff icient defense operation system adopting
               the advanced technologies of the Fourth Industrial Revolution and guaranteeing the people’s

               property rights and the benefits that they deserve. A total of KRW 1.7 trillion is allocated
               to the strengthening of the open defense operation system that is mutually beneficial to
               local communities. The resources will be used to reduce the barbed wire border fences along

               coasts and rivers, idled military facilities, the unauthorized use of private and public lands
               by the military, and other structures and practices posing threats to the people’s safety and
               restraining their property rights to the extent that it does not affect the execution of military

               operations. The MND plans to invest KRW 841 billion in the establishment of Smart Wing,
               the special operations simulation training system, and the smart barracks environment, as well
               as for transforming conventional forces into the smart military through the application of the

                Section 6  Securing an Adequate Defense Budget and Enhancing the Efficiency of Defense Budget Management     163
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