Page 170 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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Organizations designated as military executive agencies are continuously generating tang ible

           results including increased productivity and improved service quality. The Naval Supply Depot
           has reduced the average duration of handling a request by 37.14 days since being designated
           as a military executive agency in 2009. The Armed Forces Capital Hospital reduced the private

           referral treatment rate from 8.5% to 3.04%, and was certified as a general hospital in 2015,
           contr ibuting to the enhancement of military medic al care. Military executive agencies have
           increased their competitiveness, and gained trust in the quality of their products and services

           based on proactive work ethics. Together, they have obtained 59 external certif ications, 206
           publishing copyrights, and 117 patents, and published 355 research papers.

           |  Efficient Use of Civilian Resources  |    The MND has established the f ive-year “Basic
           Plan for the Use of Civilian Resources in Defense” to reduce annual military expenditures
           and improve service quality by utilizing civilian personnel, capital, facilities, and management
           techniques in combat support–related areas including logistics, facility management, and welfare

           facility operations.
             In accordance with the Basic Plan for the Use of Civilian Resources in Defense (2017–2021),

           service support duties of supply units, such as laundry, waste collection, materials maintenance,
           and food transportation and distribution, have been contracted out to civilian companies to
           enhance the welfare of servicemembers and create an environment in which they can concentrate
           on combat missions. Moreover, Energy Service Company (ESCO) and Water Saving Company

           (WASCO) 40)  projects have been undertaken to improve the aging energy and water supply
           facilities without the initial injection of f iscal resources, thus reducing utility charges.
             The MND will actively utilize civilian expertise and creativity in all areas of defense to

           contribute to the reform of the military structure and eff icient defense management with the
           comprehensive consideration of objectives including creating conditions where servicemembers
           can concentrate on combat missions, promoting stability in service support, and enhancing the

           welfare of servicemembers.

           40)  It is a project to attract private-sector investment with energy- and water-saving expertise, which improves
               military facilities without the initial financial investment and reduces utility fees. The budget saved over a set
               period will be used to pay for the project.

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