Page 177 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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between the MND and the DoD was launched in September 2017, enhancing cooperation to

               better cope with common space threats such as jamming attempts against satellite communication
               and navigation devices. The MND and the DoD will continue to explore opportunities for
               bilateral and multilateral exercises to strengthen mutual space operational capabilities and to

               build mission assurance.
                 The ROK and the U.S. continue to bolster defense science and technology cooperation
               and defense industry cooperation to utilize each country’s comparative advantages in a

               mutually reinforcing manner. To do so, the two countries have been operating various high-
               level consultative bodies including the Defense Technology Strategy and Cooperation Group
               (DTSCG), Defense Technology and Industrial Cooperation Committee (DTICC), Defense

               Technology Security Consultative Meeting (DTSCM), Security Cooperation Committee (SCC),
               and Logistics Cooperation Committee (LCC).
                 As an international partner, the ROK and the U.S. will further develop the Alliance in a
               mutually reinforcing and forward-looking manner to effectively manage common security

               threats and to extend the Alliance’s contribution to the peace and prosperity of not only the
               Korean Peninsula but also the region and the world.
                                                                                                         Chapter 5

               2. Maintaining a Firm ROK–U.S. Combined Defense Posture

                 While the inter-Korean tension de-escalation and military confidence building continues, the
               ROK and the U.S. continue to maintain a robust combined defense posture.
                 The two countries have continuously enhanced the combined operations plans to prepare

               for potential contingencies in both wartime and peacetime; verif ied the operations plans and
               bolstered command and control capabilities through combined exercises such as the Key Resolve
               (KR) exercise and the Foal Eagle (FE) training; and improved combined operations execution

               capabilities and interoperability through combined trainings including anti-submarine warfare
               training, search-and-rescue training, and large-scale combined air campaign exercise. (Max
               Thunder) 6)

               6)  Conducted to enhance the plans for large-scale strike package missions and combined operations capabilities

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