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function with the acquisition of core technologies, and gradually expand the size of the unit.

               |  Acquiring and Cultivating Outstanding Cyber Specialists  |    The MND will enhance the
               system to acquire, manage, educate, and train cyber specialists under the recognition that elite

               cyber warfare specialists of the military determine the outcome of a cyber war.
                 The MND will design and establish the personnel management systems tailored for each
               status such as officers, noncommissioned off icers (NCO), civilian employees of the military,

               and enlisted. For officers and NCOs, cyber military occupation will be newly created, and
               their career path will be designed to help improve their expertise. For civilian employees of
                                                                                                         Chapter 3
               the military, the MND plans to expand the hiring of outstanding civilian workforce as civilian

               employees of the military by creating an occupational category for the cyber f ield. Moreover,
               qualif ied enlisted will be chosen as cyber specialist to strengthen the military’s cyber capabilities
               and contribute to the strengthening of the national cybersecurity capability.
                 To cultivate elite cyber warriors, the MND plans to enhance the education and training system

               by building a cyber warfare training center that resembles the actual defense cyber environment
               and conducting realistic training under various cyberattack scenarios.

               |  Advancing the Cyber Threat Response System  |    The cyber weapons necessary to
               successfully conduct cyber warfare will be advanced in sync with the pace of technological
               changes. The response system incorporating the multilayered defense concept will be built based

               on the analyses of tactics, techniques, and procedures of cyberattacks, while another plan is to
               build a cyber operation system to carry out ef fective cyber operations.

               |  Active Participation in International Cyber Cooperation  |    The ROK Armed Forces
               plans to actively participate in efforts to establish international rules and standards that strongly
               prohibit illegal acts of violations in cyberspace.

                 To this end, the ROK Armed Forces strives to build conf idence in the cyber f ield with various
               countries and international organizations while developing bilateral and multilateral channels
               for international cooperation. The ROK Armed Forces plans to continue holding practical

               discussions through the Seoul Defense Dialogue Cyber Working Group, a multilateral working-
               level consultative body for the cyber field that has been meeting annually since 2014.

              Section 3  Strengthening National Defense Cybersecurity Capabilities and Establishing a Firm Counterterrorism Posture     79
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