Page 76 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 76

The ROK Armed Forces will continue to expand the coordination between the ROK and the

           United States while enhancing cooperation with international organizations including the UN
           and OPCW.

           3. Development of Space Defense Capabilities

           |  Strengthening the Foundation for the Development of Space Defense Capabilities  |
           The MND has been building and enhancing the environment for the development of space
           defense capabilities through the overhaul of the space-related legal and institutional framework

           to effectively support military operations in the space in the medium term and has acquired space
           defense capabilities to carry out space operations in the long term. The MND has established
           the foundation for the development of space defense capabilities, having overhauled the related
           legal and institutional framework, installed a space organization within the MND, and operated

           the ROK–U.S. space defense cooperation channel. To support effective joint military operations
           in the space, the MND plans to reinforce military space organizations and workforce as well as

           build up the space force including an electro-optical satellite surveillance system and a military
           reconnaissance satellite.
             In February 2018, the MND participated in the revision of the “Basic Plan for the Promotion
           of Space Development,” which establishes the medium-term theme and plans for national

           space development policies. The revised Basic Plan provides the basis for the acquisition of a
           reconnaissance satellite and the enhancement of space surveillance organizations’ capabilities.
           In addition, the MND is pursuing the revision of the “Basic Plan for the Development of Space

           Defense Power,” which ref lects the changing space security environment and the current state
           of the ROK’s space defense capabilities. Through the revision of the Basic Plan, the MND will
           analyze the changed space security environment, including the rapid expansion of neighboring

           countries’ space development, and reestablish the objectives for the future development of space
           defense capabilities in the medium and long terms. The MND will also propose tasks to pursue
           the development of space defense capabilities mainly in four areas including the establishment

           of a policy framework, development of an operating system, the buildup of a space force, and
           expansion of external and internal cooperation.
             The MND will continue to build the foundation for the development of space defense

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