Page 78 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 78

space intelligence center received information about the fall of the Tiangong-1 Chinese space

           station from the U.S. Strategic Command and shared it with relevant government organizations,
           managing a timely response to the crash of the space object.
             In 2017, ROK MND and U.S. DoD conducted the first senior-level tabletop exercise for space

           cooperation. The two sides devised measures to identify risky space situations over the Korean
           Peninsula, such as the jamming of navigation and communications satellite, and strengthened
           cooperation against such threats while continuously developing cooperation in space situational

           awareness field. At the 2018 meeting of the Space Cooperation Working Group, the two
           countries discussed ways to expand the sharing of space situational awareness data as well as
           cooperation to foster space specialists.

             The two countries will continue to hold meetings of the Space Cooperation Working Group
           and high-level tabletop exercises on space cooperation; vitalize space data sharing, specialist
           training, and technology exchanges; and enhance capabilities to execute space operations
           through combined exercises in the domain of space.

           76    Chapter 3  Establishing a Robust Defense Posture against Omnidirectional Security Threats
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