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capabilities through the overhaul of the space-related legal and institutional framework,

               including the establishment of the “space development execution plans” in the security f ield
               with the consideration of changes in the space security environment, and the revision of the
               “Space Development Promotion Act,” for which it will consult and cooperate with relevant

               government agencies.

               |  Development of an Alliance-Based Space Defense Cooperation  |    The MND has been

               strengthening its cooperation with the civilian sector and the government, as well as the ROK’s
               allies, to build effective space defense capabilities. The MND has strengthened its cooperation
                                                                                                         Chapter 3
               with the United States, a space powerhouse, in particular, based on the ROK–U.S. Alliance,

               seeking the enhancement of space defense capabilities in various f ields. In 2012, the MND and
               the U.S. DoD signed the “Terms of Reference for the ROK–U.S. Space Cooperation Working
               Group.” The Space Cooperation Working Group met 11 times, starting in 2013, and achieved
               outcomes, including from the sharing of information related to space defense policies as well

               as the training, fostering, and exchanges of space workforce to cooperation in space situational
               awareness 28)  and participation in international space situational exercises.

                 In 2014, the two countries signed the
               Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on
               Space Situational Awareness Service and
               Information Sharing, which enables the ROK

               to frequently receive various space object-
               related information and services from the U.S.
               Strategic Command. After the signing of the

               MOU, the Air Force set up a space intelligence   The Air Force Space Intelligence Center
               center in 2015 to secure fundamental capabilities
               for space control, and has carried out various missions including analyzing space data, transmitting

               warnings of predicted satellite collision to relevant agencies, and taking measures on the situation,
               and conducted the space situational exercise during combined exercises. In April 2018, the

               28)  It is the ability to collect and analyze data from ground and space systems, and provide it to users (prediction or
                   warning) to avoid space hazards including falling and colliding space objects.

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