Page 207 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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|  Other Multilateral-Security Cooperation Forums  |    Since 2013, the MND has participated

               in the Fullerton Forum held in Singapore, and discussed issues related to the Korean Peninsula
               and regional security issues with senior defense off  icials and security experts from Asia-Pacif ic
               countries including the U.S., China, Japan, and Russia. At the 2018 Fullerton Forum, in

               particular, the ROK Minister of National Defense underscored the ROK government’s f irm
               position on the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and shared the ROK’s security policies
               with the participants.

                 The MND has been participating in the ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF) since 2003, and the
               ROK and Thailand have co-chaired the inter-sessional meeting on humanitarian assistance and
               disaster relief since 2017. The MND has further bolstered its multilateral security cooperation

               activities by attending the Tokyo Defense Forum (TDF) annually, which is a director general–
               level security consultative mechanism in the Asia-Pacif ic Region, as well as the Xiangshan
               Forum 27)  in China. Furthermore, the MND attends the Northeast Asia Cooperation Dialogue
               (NEACD) every year, whose key members include the participating states of the Six-Party

               Talks, to build military confidence among the nations and explore ways to promote cooperation
               for peace in Northeast Asia.

                 The MND will continue to put its efforts to gain broader support for the ROK’s security
               policy by bolstering stronger multilateral security cooperation activities and share the ROK   Chapter 5
               government’s position on peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula and Northeast Asia with
               partner countries.

               4. Strengthening International Non-proliferation and
                Counter-Proliferation Activities

               |  International Non-proliferation Efforts 28)   |    Since the end of the Cold War, the international

               27)  The Xiangshan Forum is a track 1.5 (government plus civilian participants) multilateral security consultative
                   meeting attended by defense officials and security experts from around 50 countries across the world. It was
                   launched in 2014 under the supervision of China’s Ministry of National Defense. Between 2006 and 2013, it was
                   held every other year, and civilian institutions participated in it.
               28)  Diplomatic efforts to prevent the proliferation of various types of weapons including WMDs as well as their
                   delivery systems and conventional weapons

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