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Peninsula. The MND has also held multiple separate bilateral and trilateral meetings with key

               partner nations on the occasion of multilateral security forums. In those separate meetings, the
               ROK MND and its partners exchanged views on security situations and discussed major issues,
               thereby strengthening defense cooperation.

                 Furthermore, since 2017, the MND has hosted the “ROK–ASEAN Vice Defense -Ministerial
               Meeting” during the SDD, contributing to the implementation of the ROK government’s New
               Southern Policy. The multilateral security forums in the Asia-Pacif  ic region that the MND

               attends are listed in [Chart 5-4].

               [ Chart 5-4 ]  Multilateral Security Consultative Forums That the MND Attends
                      Track 1 25)  Multilateral Security Meeting  Track 1.5 26)  Multilateral Security Meeting

                                                              Seoul Defense Dialogue (SDD)
                    ASEAN Defense Ministers’ Meeting-Plus (ADMM-Plus)     Asia Security Summit (ASS)

                     ASEAN Regional Forum (ARF)               Halifax International Security Forum (HISF)
                    Tokyo Defense Forum (TDF)                Northeast Asia Cooperation Dialogue (NEACD)

                                                              Fullerton Forum

               |  Seoul Defense Dialogue (SDD)  |    The MND has been hosting the SDD—a multilateral
               security dialogue joined by vice minister–level defense off  icials and civilian security experts from   Chapter 5
               all over the world—annually since 2012 to contribute to multilateral security cooperation in the
               Asia-Pacific region and the establishment of peace on the Korean Peninsula. The SDD enhanced

               communication and cooperation regarding common military interests, thereby, improving the
               regional security environment and expanding the horizon of defense diplomacy. In recent years,
               delegations from all over the world—not only Asia-Pacif  ic countries but also key nations in

               the Americas, Europe, the Middle East, and Africa—attended the SDD to exchange views
               on security issues. The status of the SDD as a major senior off icial-level multilateral security
               consultative body in the region is growing stronger.

               25)  Multilateral security conferences held between governments to promote regional and world
                   peace and stability, and to discuss participating countries’ common security interests
               26)  Multilateral security conferences engaging participating nations’ governments, civilian
                   groups, and academics to promote regional and world peace and stability, and to discuss
                                                                                        2018 Seoul Defense
                   participating countries’ common security interests                     Dialogue (SDD)

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