Page 212 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 212

Operational Experts Group (OEG), 51)  which is a group

           of countries leading the initiative. The ROK hosted
           PSI exercises in 2010 and 2012, and conducted tabletop
           exercises for proliferation prevention and WMD

           seizures as well as maritime interdiction and boarding
           and inspection training. The ROK held the PSI’s Annual
           OEG meeting in Seoul in September 2012.
                                                               PSI exercise (2017)
             Since 2014, six countries—the ROK, the U.S., Japan,
           Singapore, Australia, and New Zealand—have hosted PSI exercises in the Asia-Pacif  ic region
           annually in rotation. The MND participated in PSI exercises on over 10 occasions between 2009

           and 2018. The ROK Navy dispatched a naval vessel as well as a boarding and inspection team
           to the U.S. and Singapore in 2014 and 2016 to participate in maritime interdiction training.
           Moreover, since 2017, ROK CERN Defense Command dispatched part of the WMD search
           team to support the ROK–U.S. joint training program on WMD search procedures for Southeast

           Asian observer countries.
             The MND will host the PSI exercise in 2019. By actively fulf illing its given role in the exercise,

           the MND will continue to participate in the international community’s counter-proliferation

           [ Chart 5-5 ]  PSI Exercise Hosting Countries
             Year    2009   2010   2011    2012   2013    2014   2015    2016   2017    2018

            Country Singapore  ROK  exercise   ROK   UAE  United   New   Singapore Australia  Japan
                                    held   Japan         States  Zealand

           51)  The Operational Experts Group (OEG) consisting of 21 major member states is in charge of the operation of PSI.

           210    Chapter 5  Development of the ROK–U.S. Alliance, and Expansion of Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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