Page 181 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 181

[ Chart 5-1 ]  Annual Defense Burden Sharing Amount Agreed Upon by the ROK and the United States
                                                                                     Unit: USD 100 million
                Round            1 , 2 nd               3 rd            4 th            5  th
                 Year  1991  1992  1993  1994  1995  1996  1997  1998  1999  2000  2001  2002  2003  2004

                Amount  1.5  1.8  2.2   2.6  3.0  3.3   3.6  3.9   3.3  3.9  4.4   4.7  5.5   6.2

                                                                                     Unit: KRW 100 million
                Round     6 th       7 th               8 th                       9 th

                 Year  2005  2006  2007  2008  2009  2010  2011  2012  2013  2014  2015  2016  2017  2018
                Amount 6,804 6,804 7,255 7,415 7,600 7,904 8,125 8,361 8,695 9,200 9,320 9,441 9,507 9,602

               * Since the 6  SMA, the currency for payment has been switched to Korean won.

               [ Chart 5-2 ]  Defense Burden Sharing Status
                                                                                           As of 2018

                                           ROK funded       -PHJTUJDT           Ammunition storage,
                                           construction       DPTU              aircraft maintenance,
                                                                                railroad transportation,
                                           KRW 444.2 billion  KRW 145 billion   and vehicle support, as   Chapter 5
                                                                                well as other types of
                                                                                provisions of materials and
                                                                                services (All paid in kind)
               Construction support to the             -BCPS DPTU
               USFK facilities including barracks
               and surrounding facilities             KRW 371 billion
               (All support, except 12% design
               and construction oversight costs,                              Salaries support for
               paid in kind)                                                  ROK employees to the
                                                                              USFK (All paid in cash)

                 The SMA has undergone many changes over the last 28 years. The ROK and the U.S.

               governments have strived to continuously improve rules and regulations in response to the
               development of democracy and the maturing civil society in the ROK. Transparency and
               accountability in the defense burden sharing program have improved through the 8  and 9
               SMAs, and the two countries have continued to strive to enhance the defense burden sharing
               allocation and execution system in a forward-looking manner by further strengthening
               transparency, mutual respect and reciprocity, and rational systems in the 10  SMA.

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