Page 183 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 183

During the dinner, the MND honored late

               General Mark Clark 13) , the recipient of the
               6  General Paik Sun-yup ROK–U.S. Alliance
               Award, and his family accepted the award

               on behalf of him. Since 2013, the MND has
               annually awarded the General Paik Sun-yup
                                                            The General Paik Sun-yup ROK–U.S. Alliance
               ROK–U.S. Alliance Award 14)  to U.S. citizens
                                                            Award (October 2018)
               who have been dedicated to the Alliance and
               the defense of the ROK. The honored recipients of the award in the past f ive years include
               General Walton Walker, 15)  Colonel William Weber, 16)  General James van Fleet, 17)  Major General

               John Singlab, 18)  and General John Vessey. 19)
                 The USFK also runs various programs to enhance mutual understanding between the ROK
               and the U.S.. The USFK off icially launched the Good Neighbor Program in 2003 for local
               communities, which involves open house events, local festivals, friendship dinners, visits to U.S.

               military vesse ls, and English language classes. The program has enabled cultural exchanges
               between the USFK and local communities, and helped enhance their understanding of each

               other. USFK servicemembers continue to work on building trust with local communities by
               supporting local residents and social welfare facilities with typhoon recovery aid, and briquette   Chapter 5
               delivery, among others.

               13)  2018 recipient; served as the 3  UNC commander, negotiated and signed the Armistice Agreement as the
                   representative of the UN forces
               14)  Established in 2013 in honor of the 60  anniversary of the Alliance for United States personnel who promoted
                   the significance and importance of the Alliance, and contributed to its development
               15)  2013 recipient; laid the groundwork for Incheon Landing by successfully defense of the Nakdonggang River
                   Line during the early stage of the Korean War
               16)  2014 recipient and the chairman of the Korean War Veterans Memorial Foundation; has actively campaigned for
                   better recognition of the Korean War in the United States
               17)  2015 recipient; served in the Korean War as the commander of the United States 8  Army; also renovated the
                   training system of the ROK Armed Forces and continued to contribute to the ROK’s development after the end
                   of the Korean War
               18)  2016 recipient; made a significant contribution in overcoming the crisis on the Korean Peninsula caused by the
                   “Panmunjom axe murder incident” and to the creation of the ROK–U.S. CFC
               19)  2017 recipient; served as the first commander of the CFC; played a decisive role in the creation of the CFC as
                   the commander of the USFK

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