Page 184 - 2018 Defense White Paper
P. 184

Section 2       Expeditious Wartime Operational

                           Control Transition Based on a

                           Robust ROK–U.S. Alliance

           The ROK and the United States have been thoroughly preparing for the transition of wartime OPCON, which
           facilitates a transition to the new ROK Armed Forces–led combined defense system, while maintaining a
           firm combined defense posture in preparation for potential North Korean aggression and provocations. By
           systematically managing relevant tasks for OPCON transition including the development of the combined
           command structure and strategic documents, combined exercises and certification, and the ROK Armed
           Forces’ acquisition of capabilities, and by regularly evaluating the progress in the preparation, the ROK Armed
           Forces is pursuing early transition of OPCON while maintaining stability.

           1. Background and History

             The ROK has achieved economic growth and national growth based on the ROK–U.S.
           Alliance in the last 60 years. Now is the time for the ROK to use the country’s own defense

           capabilities to sustain peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula as well as to enhance the
           Alliance in a for ward-looking manner. To realize responsible defense that matches the ROK’s
           national power and military strength, the ROK Armed Forces needs to build capabilities to

           lead the combined defense system and exercise wartime operational control (OPCON).
             The ROK Armed Forces has been systematically and proactively preparing for OPCON
           transition to establish a new ROK-led combined defense system while expanding its independent

           response capabilities to effectively counter North Korean threats.
             In June 2017, the leaders of the two countries agreed to continue the Alliance’s cooperation
           to further accelerate wartime OPCON transition compared to the previously agreed timeline.

           In accordance with the leaders’ agreement, the ROK Armed Forces has been systematically
           carrying out major tasks including the development of a post-OPCON transition combined
           defense structure, the development of strategic documents defining the future combined

           182    Chapter 5  Development of the ROK–U.S. Alliance, and Expansion of Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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