Page 176 - 2018 Defense White Paper
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“Alliance Guiding Principles,” which the ROK and the U.S. jointly developed to ensure a strong

           combined defense posture following the OPCON transition. The two sides decided to evaluate
           the initial operational capability (IOC) of the ROK Armed Forces–led combined defense
           system in 2019 and to closely cooperate to meet the necessary conditions for an early OPCON

           transition. Meanwhile, the ROK Ministry of National Defense (MND) and the U.S. Department
           of Defense (DoD) agreed to hold discussions regarding the joint vision to further develop the
           Alliance’s defense cooperation in a mutually reinforcing and forward-looking manner to be

           better prepared for potential changes in the future security environment. To defend the ROK,
           the U.S. reaf f irmed the commitment to maintain the current force level of the United States
           Forces Korea (USFK) and to extend deterrence to the ROK using the full range of military

           capabilities including nuclear, conventional, and missile defense capabilities. The two countries
           decided to jointly explore ways to enhance the Alliance’s deterrence posture and implement the
           tailored deterrence strategy while considering the effects of changes in the security environment
           on the Korean Peninsula and in the region. Following the SCM, the MND and the DoD held

           the Alliance Dinner at the U.S. National Archives and Records Administration (NARA), 5)  in
           which the original copy of Mutual Defense Treaty Between the ROK and the U.S. is kept.

           During the event, the two sides reaff irmed the robust solidarity between the two countries and
           strengthened their mutual commitment to the perpetual advancement of the Alliance.
             The ROK and the U.S. have been expanding the cooperation to address the security challenges
           of Northeast Asia and the world beyond the Korean Peninsula. The scope of the Alliance’s

           cooperation is also broadening to cover new areas including cyber, space, the defense industry,
           science and technology, and maritime security. Furthermore, the two countries are continuing
           to strengthen their global partnership to jointly counter transnational and nonmilitary

           threats  through peacekeeping operations (PKO), counter-piracy operations, stabilization and
           reconstruction support, and humanitarian assistance and disaster relief.
             The two countries have shared the space situational awareness data since the Memorandum

           of Understanding (MOU) on Space Situational Awareness Service and Information Sharing
           was signed in September 2014. The high-level Table Top Exercise (TTX) for space cooperation

           5)  NARA keeps and displays the original Declaration of Independence, the U.S. Constitution, and the Bill of Rights,
              among others. Headquartered in Washington D.C., NARA operates 2 archives buildings, 12 regional archives, 13
              presidential libraries, and the National Personnel Records Center.

           174    Chapter 5  Development of the ROK–U.S. Alliance, and Expansion of Defense Exchanges and Cooperation
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