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“Reliable, perfect security posture“


“Reliable, perfect security posture“




Commander, Korea-U.S. combined forces, Curtis Scaparrotti, and Deputy Commander Park Sun-woo visited GOP (general outpost) battalion of the 22nd Army division and the 1st command fleet of the Navy on March 14-15 to encourage soldiers who serve with their whole heart.


On March 14, Commander Scaparrotti and Deputy Commander Park oversaw the division’s military readiness posture and experienced GOP security operations in person. They also encouraged UNC soldiers who serve at Donghae Railway Transit Office.


“It is reassuring to see that you all are watching the enemy with a perfect security posture. You are very reliable to have a military readiness posture that can win a fight whenever the enemy provokes,” Commander Scaparrotti said, praising officers and men of the 22nd division.


Lieutenant Colonel Song Young-hwa of the GOP Battalion declared his intention not to accept any provocation with a concentrated mind that right here located in the northeast-most end is the Yeonpyeong-do of inland as well as with a determination that he would rather die than lose the battle.


Commander Scaparrotti visited the first command fleet of the Navy and listened to explanations about the status of Donghae security operations on March 15. He also joined the Howard, the U.S. Navy’s AEGIS, which is in port for training of Foal Eagle and Gwanggaeto Ham, DDH-1, as well to encourage sailors one by one.


By Byung-Lyuen, Kim < >
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  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)