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All defensive capacity mustered toward a reunified country
National Assembly Defense Committee had a work report


Minister Han Min-Koo clarified his will for creative, scientific technology fusion and reinforcement of the national defense power

Maintaining firm military readiness posture
Intensifying actual fight training
Creating a healthy military culture

Setting a foundation for “creative national defense”

Revealed an active promotion plan with a blueprint for reunified Korea

On February 11, Minister of National Defense Han Min-Koo said the military will use all its force to build up the national defense on a strong basis, preparing for the future.

He laid out his vision before a work report at the plenary session of the National Assembly Defense Committee, and promised to carry forward maintaining a firm military readiness posture, intensifying actual fight training and creating a healthy military culture from the viewpoint of soldiers and people for a strong national defense.

For the national defense preparing for the future, Minister Han especially stressed his intentions to create innovative national defense value by merging creativity and scientific technology into the national defense area, and lay the groundwork for actual reunification through a more reinforced national defensive capacity.

According to what the Minister said, the Ministry of National Defense will simplify the task of field forces for actual fight training, such as removal of unnecessary controlling elements, and guarantee the mission command by setting up a unit operating system mainly with tactical training at the level of division and brigade.

Fifteen projects in five different areas have been selected for renovation of the defense acquisition program, and four of them that are practicable immediately are going to be carried out until March. These are change of enclosed acquisition specialists to circulation type between Defense Acquisition Program Administration (DAPA) and the joint chiefs of staff and each military; expansion of the range of project information such as mid/long-term requirements of weapon system, project presentation, etc.; expansion of civil advisory committee for retaining objectivity and transparency in decision-making; and introduction of anti-corruption education by an outside specialized agency and anti-corruption monitoring system for its advanced prevention. 
Furthermore, for the innovation of the military culture, the MND is enacting “military service law”, a tentative name, increasing the penalties for acts against humanity, and considering improving the military judicial system as well as introducing an ombudsman system for defense human rights. It also will invest 52.3 billion won in expanding sports facilities for soldiers and 10 billion won in building welfare facilities for soldiers in the warward area only. It will continue making efforts to promote the welfare of the soldiers such as early establishment of a medical evacuation air force, foundation of an Army major trauma center, etc.

“Creative national defense”, which creates the concept of Korean How To Flight is delivered as well. This year, the MND is focusing on setting a foothold in giving shape to the concept and forming a consensus. In addition, it draws attention as it designs the national defense of the reunified Korea. In this connection, the MND will develop the basic defense policy and military strategy, such as national interest, defense objective and policy line of the reunified Korea, concept and guidelines on military strategy, arms control, etc. 

By Chul-Hwan, Kim <>
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  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)