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10-hour close contact between the bilateral ministers… Presenting strong allies between ROK and US

Willingness to expand deterrence and strengthening close cooperation

Welcoming the SCM delegation through a ceremonial event

10-hour close contact between the bilateral minist

At the 54th ROK-US Security Consultative Meeting (SCM), Defense Minister Lee Jong Sup and US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin demonstrated the US commitment to extended deterrence and the strong ROK-US alliance. In particular, the two ministers showed close cooperation between the two countries while carrying out their schedules together for about 10 hours.


The ceremonial event that was held prior to the SCM was part of such efforts. The US officials welcomed Minister Lee and held a ceremony at the entrance of the US Department of Defense (Pentagon). According to an official from the US Ministry of National Defense, the US officials have not held such a ceremony for quite a long time due to COVID-19. This action demonstrates that the US government values Minister Lee's visit and the SCM to be held this time.


In fact, after the announcement of the SCM joint statement and the joint press conference, Minister Lee announced before the press, “I could feel that the US was considerate of our SCM delegation, considering that they began the meeting with cultural stories.” We discussed Korean culture especially at a meal,” he added. Minister Lee also explained, “During my visit to the United States in July, Secretary Austin gave me the American flag that was raised at that time as a gift.” This also showed that the US paid careful attention to our delegation.

By Chae-Mu, Im < >

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