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Powerful commanding position of both Korean and U.S. armies who ...

Powerful commanding position of both Korean and U.S. armies who improve their interoperability


Second training begins on August 23 with 30,000 Korean and U.S. soldiers


Both the Korean and U.S. armies have finished the first training of UFG, which has been ongoing since August 18, to maintain stability on the peninsula and improve protection of the area and readiness posture.


On August 24, a training official said, “As of the afternoon of August 22, the first training of UFG has been completed, and the second training will start on the 23rd after an administrative changeover and follow-up discussion about the first training.“


He also added that both armies’ interoperability and understanding of each other was advanced through the first training, saying that he confirmed how important the companionship and teamwork are with 10 UN dispatched countries.


The second training, meanwhile, will last until August 29, and along with the first, Korean units from all three forces and Marine Corps above the level of corps and operation command and 30,000 U.S. soldiers, including those from overseas, are participating in the training.


Add to this 10 UN dispatched countries Australia, Canada, Colombia, Denmark, France, Italy, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway and the UK are taking part in this second training as well.


Also, Neutral Nations Supervisory Commission (NNSC) is visiting the training site to check defensive and deterrent features of the training and whether the training complies with the cease-fire agreement.


As a regular training conducted to defend the Korean peninsula based on the Korea-U.S. mutual defense treaty and the cease-fire agreement, UFG is for emphasizing the armies’ military partnership, responsibilities and permanent friendship, for solidifying peace and security on the peninsula, and for reconfirming the Korea-U.S. alliance pledge.


In the meantime, Ulchi training, a government emergency preparedness training combined with UFG, was completed on August 21.


By Seok-Jong, Lee < >

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