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16th Cheonghae unit conducts anti-piracy training with Indonesia...

16th Cheonghae unit conducts anti-piracy training with Indonesian Navy

The 16th Cheonghae unit, Munmu the Great (DDG 976), on its way to waters off Somalia to support safe navigation for domestic and foreign ships, has improved its mission capability thanks to a joint military training.

The unit and the Indonesian Navy conducted the joint anti-piracy training on May 28. The training, carried out near the port of Jakarta, was to drive up both navies’ anti-piracy mission capabilities as well as to construct a global cooperation system for bringing peace at the sea.

Indonesian naval patrol ship, Sultan Thaha Syaifudin (FS-376), and our Munmu the Great Ham participated in the training. Both navies developed combined operational capabilities through tactical maneuvers and UDT/SEAL’s rescue exercise for seized ships.

Munmu the Great put into the port of Jakarta, Indonesia, on May 26 and went on to make an official call on important naval figures including Rear Admiral Ary Atmaja, the commander of the Western sea fleet. The fleet also made a contribution to promoting the relationship between the two navies through a friendly match.

They shared know-how regarding international ships' safety and discussed development plans for military cooperation, especially at an anti-piracy information exchange meeting on the Indonesian fleet.

The 16th Cheonghae unit takes turns its mission with the 15th, Gang Gam-chan Ham, coming on June 12.


By Byeong No, Yun <>


  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)