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Father and two sons serve in the same unit

Father and two sons serve in the same unit


“I’ve been told by my father that ’a Korean man basically should serve in military service.’”

Three members of a family become the topic of conversation due to their military service in the same unit.

The men of the moment are the family of Private Park Dong-woo, Steel battalion, 28th Army division. He was deployed to the unit last March and now is doing his task in the 3rd Artillery unit as an observer after five-week unit recruit training.

His father and brother also finished their active duty in the very same unit.

Park Chun-bong, 53, special education teacher, the father of Private Park, was commissioned as an officer with other 21st ROTC members on February 21, 1983, and conducted his task in the 3rd Artillery unit as a GP observer and fire support officer within the GOP area for 13 months. He thought if his two sons serve in a front unit, they can correctly understand the current situation of Korea, so he recommended them serving in the same unit.

Park’s brother Park Il-woo, 23, also became an immediate family soldier, following his father's wishes. He faithfully completed his service as a signal corpsman in the Steel battalion from February 2010 to December 2011.

Private Park joined the army on April 15, 2014, in the same way his brother did, then was deployed to the 3rd Artillery unit where his father and brother served. With this, these father and two sons have served in the same unit, battalion and division.


By Ah-Mi, Cho < >


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