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Mutual operating service agreement for tactical radio
Agreement with the U.S. 8th military headquarters …looking forward to effective combined operations


The Army entered into an agreement to strengthen the mutual operating service with the U.S. 8th military headquarters. Through this agreement, the Korean and U.S. Armies have established a foothold to conduct effective combined operations by interlocking tactical radios between the units.

Lieutenant General Park Chan-Ju, the vice chief of staff of the Army, and Lieutenant General Bernard Champoux, the 8th Army commander, signed the agreement at the Van Fleet Room and came to an agreement to strengthen the information-sharing ability of the tactical echelon by connecting tactical radios between both units during the combined operations.

They have struggled with effective information sharing due to undefined radio-connecting methods during combined operations. They finally set the institutional framework for interlocking the tactical radios and prepared the grounds for reflecting operational concepts such as each country’s operational plans and regulations. Furthermore, it guarantees the battalion and over command and control during the combined operations.

By Su-Yeol, Maeng <>
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