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“Build up a strong basis and future for national defense“

“Build up a strong basis and future for national defense“
Four main points for Defense Management
- Establishment of omnidirectional defense posture
- Happy advanced defense environment development
- Enhancement of future-oriented defense ability
- Intensification of Korea-U.S. alliance development and foreign defense cooperation
New Defense Minister Han Minkoo said, on June 30, “I will make every effort to build up a strong basis and prepare for future national defense, which can back up the ‘new age of hope’ and construct the foundation of peaceful unification.”


Minister Han said that our military should fulfill the calling of the times that country and people assigned during his inauguration speech at the farewell and inaugural ceremony held at the main hall of the Ministry of Nationa Defense(MND).


“’National defense with a strong basis’ is to cement a military readiness posture, which is the military’s proper duty, and create a defense environment satisfying soldiers, the basis of fighting power. And ‘preparing for future defense’ is to make a strategic environment favorable for promoting the national interest and preparing for unification while intensifying active independent defense capability against changes of the security environment,” he said.


He also made it clear that in his direction for the national defense he will focus on four main issues – establishment of omnidirectional defense posture, happy advanced defense environment development, enhancement of future-oriented defense ability and intensification of Korea-U.S. alliance development and foreign defense cooperation.


Regarding the establishment of omnidirectional defense posture, he said that we have to obtain a solid military readiness posture to defeat full-scale provocation as well as any type of local one.


He continued, “We should stress the fact that North Korea will never get what they want with provocation and threat. For this, we have to improve the effectiveness of our readiness posture by preparing a complete plan and conducting exercises.”


Moreover, Minister Han said, “With the reality that North Korean nuclear and missile threats are getting worse, we should consider actual countermeasures to frustrate North Korea’s strategic attempts. I’ll do my utmost to make the field unit’s duty simple so that a combat-centered unit spirit can take root, to aim for completeness of fighting power at the tip of a spear, and to set conditions enabling field commanders to lead their men with conviction.”


He also mentioned development related to an advanced defense environment, saying that a safe and pleasant barracks should be provided, soldiers meeting their standard and national prestige, to ease their parents' concerns.


He particularly stressed the importance of comprehensive countermeasures by fundamentally reviewing the military management system including soldiers of interest management.


By Seok-Jong, Lee < >


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  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)