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Seongju, Gyeongbuk picked as the site for ‘THAAD’ deployment

Seongju, Gyeongbuk picked as the site for ‘THAAD’ deployment

“Maximizes military usefulness and ensures residents' safety…no harm to health or the environment”


The background for the selection of Seongju, Gyeongbuk

Determined to be the best place through an examination, including a simulation analysis

Possible to protect one-half to two-thirds of the country


Located upland, several kilometers away from densely-populated areas

Fears over the safety of electromagnetic waves emitted from the THAAD radar have been quelled


성주 사드 


Seongju, Gyeongbuk has been chosen as site for THAAD deployment.

On July 13, the Republic of Korea’s Deputy Minister for National Defense Policy, the MND, Ryu Je-seung, announced that the Korea-U.S. joint working group recommended Seongju as the best site for THAAD deployment. This decision was made after considering the maximization of military usefulness and the safety of the local residents as the most important evaluation factors; both nations’ defense ministers approved this decision.

The MND explained that THAAD, which was deployed and operated in the Seongju area, would cover one-half to two-thirds of Korea, enabling Korea to protect itself from the North Korean nuclear and missile threats, while dramatically strengthening its capability and posture to defend the military power of the Korea-U.S. alliance. He continued, “There is no more important value than the protection of people's safety and actions to ensure national safety.” And he pleaded, “I’d like to ask Seongju residents to understand our military’s heartfelt patriotism, and to support it.”

Both nations have agreed to deploy THAAD to US forces in Korea as a defensive measure to protect ourselves, as well as to ensure the safety of Korea and its people from North Korean nuclear and missile threats. We also aim to protect the military power of the Korea-U.S. alliance. After a thorough review, including a simulation analysis, field examinations, etc., Seongju was selected as the optimal site for THAAD deployment.

Seongju was determined as posing the least amount of risk to residents’ safety or to the environment, as it is not a residential area. Another advantage is its distance: it is 240 km from the ceasefire line, so it is beyond the range of gunshots from North Korea's new multiple rocket launcher that has a 200 km maximum range.


성주 사드 


This decision is expected to end the controversy surrounding electromagnetic waves, since it is several kilometers away from densely populated areas. An environmental impact statement drawn up by the U.S. Army reported that the electromagnetic waves emitted from THAAD are harmless to the human body provided there is a distance of more than 100 m from the radar.

THAAD deployment in the US forces in Korea is a defense system that directly strikes and destroys under 3,000-km class short- or medium-range ballistic missiles when they lose altitude into the atmosphere (40-150 km in altitude). One THAAD unit consists of a battery center, 1 fire control radar, 6 launchers, and 48 interceptor missiles. The radar will be installed at a higher plane, as it will face no obstacles when detecting long distances. Also, since the radar is operated at over 5 degrees and installed within at least 500 m from base fences, residents outside the base cannot be affected. The intensity (density) of the electromagnetic waves of the THAAD radar beyond the harmful distance comply with safety criteria detailed by muncipal law and the World Health Organization (WHO) as well.

As Seongju was selected as the official site for THAAD deployment, our army will reinforce long-range surface-to-air missiles (L-SAM) and medium-range surface-to-air missiles (M-SAM) to address the controversy that it is vulnerable to defense for capital area, heavily populated area.

Meanwhile, the Vice Minister of National Defense, Hwang Inmoo, held a meeting with the Governor of Seongju that afternoon and explained the background and nature of the THAAD deployment, while describing THAAD's safety in terms of human health and the environment.

By Byeong-No, Yun < >
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