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Minister of National Defense Lee Jong-seop announces Republic of Korea will respond 'immediately, with world-class missiles’

Minister Lee visits Army Strategic Missile Command

Instructs Command to improve operational capabilities through practical training

Minister of National Defense Lee Jong-seop announc

Defense Minister Lee Jong-seop visited subordinate units of the Army Missile Strategic Command on the 20th to check their military readiness posture and encourage the soldiers who are devoting themselves to completing their missions.


Minister Lee instructed the soldiers to maintain a firm readiness posture in the current operations regardless of the circumstances, and to respond immediately with the world’s best-class ultra-precision and high-power missiles when ordered, pointing out that North Korea continues to violate UN Security Council resolutions by launching ballistic missiles, and is also violating the ‘9/19 Military Agreement’ by setting off artillery fire within buffer zones in the East and West Seas of the Korean Peninsula.


Minister Lee then emphasized, “We must improve equipment operation capabilities through practical education and training, and strengthen the mental readiness of our soldiers.”


He also added, “We will strengthen the ‘South Korean style three-axis system’ so that we can effectively respond to the advanced nuclear and missile threats from North Korea, and continue to enhance our capabilities to implement the US extended deterrence."

By Hyun-woo, Seo <>

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  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)