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Korea-U.S.-Japan Conduct First “Freedom Edge” Multi-Domain Joint Exercise This Year

Trilateral Defense Ministerial Meeting Held on Sidelines of Shangri-La Dialogue

Reaffirming Strong Response to N. Korea if it Conducts a Nuclear Test

Missile Warning Information Sharing System to Be Further Optimized

TTX Conducted and Security Cooperation Framework to Be Drafted by End of the Year


Defense officials and military officials from Sout

Defense officials and military officials from South Korea, the United States, and Japan hold a meeting at the 21st Asia Security Summit (Shangri-La Dialogue) in Singapore.


The defense officials of South Korea, the U.S., and Japan reaffirmed their continuous commitment to strengthening and institutionalizing trilateral security cooperation. Specifically, they agreed to further optimize the real-time missile warning information sharing system and carry out the first South Korea-U.S.-Japan multi-domain joint exercise this summer.


On June 2 (local time), South Korean Minister of National Defense Shin Won Sik held a Korea-U.S.-Japan defense ministerial meeting with U.S. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin and Japanese Minister of Defense Minoru Kihara on the sidelines of the 21st Asia Security Summit (Shangri-La Dialogue) and announced the details.


At the meeting, the three officials discussed new initiatives to strengthen and institutionalize security cooperation among South Korea, the U.S., and Japan to contribute to peace and stability on the Korean Peninsula, in the Indo-Pacific region, and beyond.


They also shared the recognition that maintaining this momentum is critical and agreed to rotate the hosting of the South Korea-U.S.-Japan Trilateral Ministerial Meeting (TMM), the Trilateral Chiefs of Defense (Tri-CHOD) meeting, and the Defense Trilateral Talks (DTT), starting this year.


The three officials condemned North Korea's actions as clear violations of multiple UN Security Council resolutions, including the diversification of nuclear delivery capabilities, launches of multiple ballistic missiles, launches of so-called military reconnaissance satellites using ballistic missile technology, and illegal transshipment and arms trade between Russia and North Korea.


In addition, they expressed concern over North Korea’s claimed launches of military reconnaissance satellites and urged its immediate cessation of all actions that raise further instability. They also reaffirmed that if North Korea conducts a nuclear test, it will face a strong and resolute response from the international community.


Against this backdrop, the three officials agreed to strengthen cooperation by further optimizing the real-time missile warning information sharing system within this year to ensure effective deterrence and response capabilities.


In particular, they agreed to conduct a joint exercise called "Freedom Edge," covering a variety of new domains, for the first time this summer.


They also decided to conduct a trilateral table-top exercise (TTX) to examine ways to effectively deter and respond to various threats on the Korean Peninsula and in the Indo-Pacific region. Furthermore, they will formulate a framework for institutionalizing security cooperation among the three nations by the end of this year.


Additionally, the three officials shared their understanding of the importance of a rules-based international order and reaffirmed their strong opposition to any unilateral attempts to change the status quo in the Indo-Pacific waters, as emphasized at the Camp David Summit.

By Hyun-woo, Seo <>

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  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)