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National defense listens to the voice of the people


Defense forum hosted by Minister of National Defense Song Young-moo

Six national proposals put to a vote for prioritization-

To be reflected in 2019 defense budget plan



The Ministry of National Defense and the people are putting their heads together in support of wise defense budget spending. The ministry held a 'Town Hall Meeting on the Defense Budget,' hosted by Minister Song Young-moo, at the defense convention center on May 11th. The forum was attended by approximately 100 members of the public, 100 soldiers, and 20 specialists, along with key officials from the ministry, and was an at times heated debate on the defense budget plan. 

Prior to the forum, Minister Song explained the overall direction of Defense Reform 2.0 and said, “Any good ideas missed from the Defense Reform 2.0 project will be 100% accepted and reflected in the nation's defense budget plan. We will carry out the Defense Reform 2.0 project to save public funds.” He gave detailed replies to questions from the people and soldiers in attendance at the forum, presenting accurate figures and conveying information on procedures, facts, and government policies. "Under the Moon Jae-in government, the Ministry of National Defense is developing into a Ministry of National Defense that embraces people in fair and honest ways. We ask all of the people for their participation and attention," he added. 

The minister's speech was followed by the introduction of six pre-selected national proposals, which were then put to a vote for prioritization. The selected proposals include providing padded winter sweaters for all soldiers, supporting a budget for emergency equipment/material acquisition at commanders' discretion supporting clothes for the reserves raising the cost of inactive duty training setting up the conditions to train cyberwarfare experts, and increasing available transportation expenses in cases of sick leave. The Ministry of National Defense officials who attended the forum this day sent a clear message from the ministry while listening to the opinions of the public and the soldiers. 

A minister's citation was awarded to three persons whose proposals were adopted with higher priority. "I am very honored to be here. As a Republic of Korean soldier, I feel responsible for paying attention to the national defense budget," said Choi Sung-ho, a corporal of Republic of Korean Navy Headquarters' Naval History Records Management Group. 

To achieve the purpose of the "participatory national defense budget" forum, the Ministry of National Defense plans to reflect the ideas discussed in national defense policy. Each proposal from the forum will be reflected in a request plan for the 2019 defense budget to submit it to the Ministry of Strategy and Finance (MOSF). Afterwards, a proposal selected as the final project after the MOSF's participatory budget process will be reflected in the 2019 government budget. The Minister of National Defense said, "We hope this forum will bring more public attention to the national defense budget. We will continue to make efforts to increase people's understanding of the budget and to spend it efficiently, by being faithful to our mission of providing information about the national defense budget.”  



By Su-Yeol, Maeng < >

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  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)