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Effectiveness of electricity management increased using intelligent system

The Air Force's "intelligent electricity network construction project" has achieved its first results. On March 13, the Air Force 20th Fighter Wing (20th Fighter Wing) held a completion ceremony for the project at its base, with the participation of 80 key officials from the Air Force and the Korea Electric Power Corporation.

15 air force units have been working on the intelligent electricity network construction project since a cooperation agreement was reached with the Korea Electric Power Corporation in 2016 for the optimized supply of electricity.

The 20th Fighter Wing made a project enforcement contract in September 2016, and started construction work in December of the same year. It then became the first air force unit to construct an intelligent electricity network, completing it in one year and four months.

The 20th Fighter Wing has increased the effectiveness and stability of Korea's electricity management by raising the electricity of the east and west areas of the base to the national standard voltage and establishing an electricity distribution center and a loop-based intelligent system. The loop-based intelligent system controls the supply of electricity remotely through loop-based cable routes, unlike a convention grid system that uses a one-way supply of electricity.

“The systematic and stable supply of electricity is key to the completion of the Air Wing's mission,” said Lieutenant Colonel Park Geon-seok, commander of the 20th Fighter Wing installation battalion.


By Byeong-No, Yun < >

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  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)