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“Electrifying the Daegu vessel – through maximum effort!”

lectrifying the Daegu vessel

On March 6, Um Hyun-seong, the chief of naval operations, checked on the electrification exercise and encouraged the soldiers devoted to the exercise during his visit to the Daegu-class vessel (FFG-), which is anchored at the naval base in Jinhae, Changwon of Gyeongnam Province.

Chief Um inspected the vessel after receiving a report on the present condition of electrification from Lieutenant Lee Hang-soo, the captain of the Daegu ship, that morning.

In his remarks, Chief Um said that “The Daegu vessel is the first vessel of the second batch of next-generation frigates, and will become the standard for vessels in its class that are introduced later,” and emphasized, “The vessel should reach the highest degree of combat readiness and become an example for other vessels by clearly defining the exercise goal and the level of wishes, with continuous training and exercise and thorough equipment management."

He then listened to feedback and proposals from the soldiers, during a lunch with them in the crew cafeteria.

Chief Um said, “The soldiers for the vessel were selected after a strict examination to create an excellent vessel,” and added that “the captain should build up trust through vertical and horizontal communication with crew, and should strive for a relationship in which everyone can share the goal and cooperate with each other by delegating sufficient authority to the members.”

The 2800-ton Daegu vessel is the first vessel of the second batch of next-generation frigates. It officially became a naval ship after the commissioning ceremony held on the 6th, and is scheduled to be deployed this August after electrification is complete. 

By Byeong-No, Yun < >

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  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)