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'North Korea should pay the consequences for its nuclear test.'
Emergency National Security Council (NSC) regarding North Korea’s 4th nuclear test held,
under the chairmanship of President Park Geun-hye
In response to the announcement of North Korea’s 4th nuclear test, on Jan. 6, 2016, President Park Geun-hye declared that the government of Korea would closely work with the international community to ensure that North Korea paid the consequences. 
Presiding over the NSC in the National Crisis Management Situation Room at Cheongwadae, President Park said, “North Korea has completely disregarded the repeated warnings and the series of UN mandates from Korea and the international community, and ultimately has gone through with its 4th nuclear test. This is a serious provocation against our security as well as a threat to our survival and our future, and furthermore, is a frontal attack against world peace and stability.”
She also said that it is important that the international community, through the UN Security Council, restrain North Korea strongly, while eliciting firm action from allies and friendly nations such as the US.

“This 4th nuclear test still needs further analysis, but as North Korea has insisted on performing their first trial H-bomb test, there is the potential that the security of Northeast Asia will be deeply affected, and changes the North Korean nuclear issue fundamentally. We should be closely aware of and deal sternly with this situation, through strong international restraint actions against North Korea,” said President Park.
As well, President Park added, “The military should maintain a cooperative system at the Korea-US alliance level and be ready for airtight readiness, strengthening the Korea-US combined defense posture. We need to observe North Korea closely for the possibility of additional provocative actions, and punish them firmly when needed. Also, the related domestic and international organizations should evaluate this nuclear test accurately and rapidly through close information sharing and analysis. Please make every diplomatic effort at the bilateral and/or UN Security Council level to achieve a firm and united response as promptly as possible.”
The NSC meeting included Prime Minister Hwang Kyo-an, Foreign Minister Yun Byung-se, Minister of National Defense Han Min-koo, Minister of Unification Hong Yong-pyo, National Intelligence Service Director Lee Byung-ho, National Security Office Director Kim Kwan-jin, and Chief secretary Lee Byung-ki, and lasted around 40 minutes. They discussed action plans of the related government departments and their assessments of the situation, as well as various countermeasures. It has been 4 months since President Park held the NSC in the situation room following the artillery shelling of North Korea towards the western front on Aug. 20 of last year.
Prior to this, Cheongwadae called a standing committee of the NSC at noon, presided over by Director Kim Kwan-jin, which discussed responses to North Korea's H-bomb test.
Meanwhile, Korean Central Television gave a special report at 12:30 pm(12 pm, Pyeongyang time) that the first 4th nuclear test was successfully performed at 10 am following a "strategic resolution of the Korean Workers’ Party."
By Joo-Hyeong, Lee < >
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  • (Presentation and Follow-on discussion)