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Thankful to the Colombian veterans of the Korean War
Navy Cruise Training Task Group sailed in Colombia,
the only Latin combatant nation in the 6·25 War

The ROK Navy Cruise Training Task Group (NCTTG) (Commander, Rear Admiral Kim Jong-sam), consisting of the 70th naval sea cadets, recently paid a visit to Colombia, a country that is significant not only for being the only Latin American country to join the 6·25 Korean War but also for being the country to dispatch its troops to Korea from the furthest distance, and took part in a number of diverse events to repay the kindness of its war veterans.
On December 2, the second day of port entry, all of the high command, including the Rear Admiral and cadets of NCTTG, offered flowers to the Korean War Monument at Amurallada Naval Park in Cartagena, honoring the great sacrifice of Columbian veterans of the Korean War.
The Korean delegation also donated bookshelves and decoration cabinet made by Naval Maintenance Depots as a gift of thanks while visiting an office for naval war veterans in Centro, as a way of brightening up the surroundings. The donation was made on the order of Vice Admiral Lee Beom-rim, the Chief of Naval Operations, who had noticed the furniture was a bit worn out when he visited Colombia as overseas intelligence chief of MND in 2014.
And on the night of December 2, the Korean delegation invited the war veterans and their families to Gang Gam Chan destroyer to mark the 65th anniversary of the Korean War, and held events to show their appreciation for all of those Colombians who bled for Korea, with sincere respect and heartfelt gratitude.
The only Latin combatant nation in the 6·25 War, Colombia dispatched 5314 troops in total, including a Navy destroyer and an infantry battalion, and received high praise for its strict discipline and bravery, as well as its never-retreat fighting spirit.
Meanwhile, on the morning of December 1, NCTTG put in at Cartagena, Colombia, where it attended a welcoming ceremony for port entry with key Korean personnel including the Korean ambassador to Colombia Jang Myung-soo, overseas Koreans, and important members of the Colombian military - Commander Ramirez of the Caribbean Sea and Principal Martinez of the Naval Academy.
In addition, during the 3-day port entry, NCTTG promoted friendship between both countries and its navies, carrying out a joint cultural performance with the Colombian Marine band, a goodwill match between both countries’ cadets, and more.
Rear Admiral Kim Jong-sam, Commander of NCTTG, said, “Colombia is our blood brother and the only Latin combatant nation who fought for Korea's freedom during the 6·25 Korean War. We’d like to repay their kindness through this visit, which we hope will lead to a closer relationship between our countries.”
The NCTTG is now heading to its next port of call, Acapulco in Mexico, after ending its visit to Colombia.
By Seong-Su, Noh < >
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