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Ahk unit, ready for combined training with UAE forces
Finished highly intensive desert adjustment training in preparation for D-day on May 31
The 9th Ahk unit, the ROK Special Warfare Unit in UAE, has selected and mastered various training projects and is now all set for the combined training with UAE forces starting on May 31.
The preparation for the training lasted for 14 days, from March 10 to 23, and under the principle that they show the excellence of the Korean Army with well-prepared training, they have perfectly made preparations even in a new operational environment, with the heat reaching over 40℃ in the desert.
In particular, the physical fitness program by day dramatically increased the soldiers’ strength for special warfare, and individuals’ data has been recorded.
Also, the soldiers strived to learn English in the evening, running an military English club themselves while carrying out their duties during the day.
Colonel Majid of the UAE Special Operations Command(SOC) said, “Every time I see the Korean Army, I admire their mental power, physical strength and combat skills. I am already looking forward to learning from them more than ever.”
By Ah-Mi, Cho < >
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